Sunday, January 15, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Ups and downs

So tonight has been full of ups and downs.
Up:I have been getting into this new show called "once upon a time" and I can watch it free on on my iPad I even have an abc app!
Down:it keeps freezing when I play it and the commercials they play are all the same and one is of this scary movie coming out and I have to turn the volume down and turn away from it because its scary looking
Up: martins, my fav grocery store here is open 24/7 which is super beneficial now that most of my free time is between 1-4am when I'm awake and can't sleep.
Down: the bread is usually stale at 2:30am and for some reason I really wanted a bagget today. Also apperently you can't buy alcohol between 12-6am in va stores. Didn't know that.
Up:I have an iPad
Down:I spent the last hour trying to figure out how to post a pic to this blog, I found out I have to buy and app for it, I even created a new blog using a different website but still didn't work.
Up: had a fun dance party with my wii
Down: I slammed my elbow down on my friends car door and it's been hurting for about 8 hours I even took painkillers and had a makeshift ice pack to it thanks to James. This seriously alters my dancing. But I still beat James ;)
Up: I lost on of my socks but it's and up because the one I lost has a hole in it and I needed to throw it away but I didn't want to but now I have a better motivation
Down: it was one of my favorite socks (my mood has a lot to do with the socks I wear that day and if they are good socks it's a good day)
Up: I got 30cents off per gallon the next time I buy gas at martins. I'm super excited. I wonder if I can just fill up my friends cars too and they pay me back and just keep it the same transaction or something.
Up: I have central heating. It was really nice outside today.
Up: I played with labchow puppies the other day and they were really cute.
Up: I have a really great pandora station right now. So far it hasn't played any Nora jones or somewhere over the rainbow, not that I dislike them it's just over played and for some reason no matter what station I have they play it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hacking can mean a lot of things. It could mean someone, and let's just call this someone James, getting into ur Facebook account and changing your status.
People also refer to it when they are coughing "I'm hacking up a lung".
Medical fact of the day: if you are able to cough or talk you are not choaking enough to need the heimlich or the more approved term would now be " abdominal thrusts"

The other day my roommate accidentally locked the bathroom door from the outside and couldn't get it open. I discovered my talent for picking locks when I was younger but have had no real use for it until now and so I was excited to use my skills. In less than 30 seconds I had that door opened. I was pretty proud of myself. Don't worry I have never used my skills for evil. I mostly use it for good.

Sorry no pictures recently I can't do it on my iPad. The disadvantages of an iPad: I can't watch Hulu on it, can't listen to groove shark, can't burn CDs, can't upload pictures onto my blog.there r probably more but that's what I have discovered thus far.advantages : portable, light, fast, lots of fun games.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Egg burritoes, justin bieber, books

What do these three things have common?
Nothing really despite the fact that I have recently gotten really into them. I'm a song food and book killer. I will listen to a song I like about 6times a day eat the same thing for weeks and if I find a book I like I wont be able to put it down. I'm just recently seeing how prevalent this is in my life. I have eaten about 9egg burritos in the past2 weeks. Also I got really into the book series "the hunger games" and in the past 2 weeks I have finished 2 of the 3 books and I'm halfway through the 3rd. I thought I was over Justin bibber I lisentened to his Christmas album a lot and so I was kinda getting sick of him but then I had a dream he was my patient and we became friends and all morning I had his songs stuck in my head.... Doesn't help that I have a Justin bibber singing toothbrush....2actually. I think I need some more self control. Good thing it's the new year. Maybe that will be my resolution. Which reminds me it's my anniversary of vegetarianism. 4years ago I made my new years resolution to get vegetarian. So happy anniversary to me and the hundreds of animals I didn't eat. I could go into vegetarian propaganda right now but I want more readers on this blog and I'm disappointed at the lack of comments.

But now I have a stomach ache. Every year at least once or twice I get a craving for pancakes but they also give me a stomach ache. 2012 is no different. I got so excited making it and then I realized I added too much vanilla and that with the fact that pancakes always give me stomach aches I have one now. And my milk was expired for about 5 days..... I really shouldn't cook after working night shifts. Poor judgement.

These are resolutions I do want to make for 2012
Don't make pancakes
Don't drink slurpees also give me stomach aches but I keep thinking ill like it
Go sky diving
Go to the dentist

That's all I got so far I gotta think some more bout it

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


For the first time in my life I have latest of something. I need to blog about it ASAP because soon I will be out of style. Well for Christmas I got an ipad and a wii and I upgraded to an I need any of these things? No. Do I know how to really use all these things? No. Did I used to make fun of people who were Techy? Yes. Iam enjoying the luxury of it. I have Siri on my iPhone so I ask it anything and it's my personal assistant. Today I got a little mad at her because our relationship just started and I didn't get how she worked. But I think we will become good friends. I don't wanna become one of those ppl who is always on their phone though. This could be hard because it has so much and it being so new I get all excited about it. I'm sure the excitement will die down.
Maybe I should ask my phone if my eyes will burn out or hands fall of if I keep using it.

I also want to say that I started reading "The hunger games" that James got me for Christmas. It took me about 3 days to read it because it was such an interesting story and the author always ended chapters in suspense so I could stop reading them. So then I bought the 2nd book on my iPad kindle many apps!!! But it's def a good read. I judged it at first because it sounds like a horrible plot but it's really good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I have been sick the past couple of days. According to webmd I either had the Flu or scarlet fever. and as an american i always must go with the most dramatic because of course i know better than everyone. so scarlet fever it is.

health fact of the day: the patients who use webmd are the most annoying. they always are so anxious and think they are going to die. i was trying to explain to this woman who was going to get her gallbladder taken out why her blood labs showed elevated liver enzymes and she totally twisted my words and said "so my liver is failing!?!" I understand now why they taught me in psych to never try to teach someone while they are experiencing moderate to severe anxiety.

There are different ways people handle being sick.
1. there is the dramatic kind. These people exaggerate their cold and often act as if they are dying. often seen in men and has been coined "the man flu". is a good reference for this epidemic. my brother Greg suffers from this.

2. there is the i-don't-care-I'm-sick kind: James, my boyfriend is a prime example. he drinks a bottle of nyquil and tries to continue to do everything.

3. then there is the kind of people who are sick and touch everything. they don't cover their cough. they touch everything and use every blanket and pillow around you. i think these people work for the pharmaceutical companies. side note: i have spent about $50 on home remedies for this cold already

there are 4 ways i have found that people handle sick people.
1. there are those who avoid you like the plague. they step back when u tell them u are sick and make a face of disgust like you don't feel gross enough about yourself.

2. there are those who ask lots of questions and try to remedy you with stuff they have. (i fall into this). they wind up giving you 10 different suggestions and packets of vitamins and drugs.

3. the completely clueless (sorry james). they mean well. but their help is more of hurtful than helpful.

4. those who laugh at you. today i came down the stairs feeling a bit out of it (understandable since i've been basically on a diet of Robitussin and vitamin c) and my roommate just laughed at me as i weakly tried to say hi to her with a blank stare (since my head feels like a balloon about to explode) and open mouth (since i can't breath through my nose). James laughed at me too as i tried to talk to him on the phone with my voice that sounds a lot more nasally and pathetic.

something also sick is when your roommate knows taylor swifts birthday by heart (which is today btw) but does not remember your own birthday. i am older than taylor swift but i feel like she has accomplished so much more than i will ever have. i mean she has broken up with about 50 guys. i don't think i can accomplish that before i die. (don't worry james i don't want to be like her)

Monday, December 5, 2011

balance of life
"i'll be home for Christmas" probably one of the most depressing songs for me right now seeing as I have to work and i won't be able to come down the stairs and my family be there with fruit bread that only my dad enjoys eating but my mom makes it every year just to make him happy and the Christmas music and the stockings full of gifts from the refrigerator.

okay pity party over....for now. i'll probably have another one in a week or so. ya'll are all invited.

lesson #2 about hospital/health care. I'd say about 90% of patients i get do not know what it means to be a DNR (do not resuscitate). this is a dry video but somewhat informative. (i don't know if i fully agree with everything said in the video but worth 1 min of ur time) fact: it has been said to ppl learning cpr "if your not breaking ribs you're not pressing hard enough" (not completely true but still its said) but doing chest compression on elderly with failing health is probably going to decrease their quality of life.

last night I have a doctor chew me out over the phone but after i had this patient who just wanted to tell me about how much he loves his wife and how he likes to treat people. he held my hand and was so sweet to me. so i had a random act of meanness followed by a random act of kindness. so they balanced out in a way.
this dog knows all about balance.